A documentary by Thabea Furrer, 26 min., CH 2021

Ann never goes out, because she lives right behind the counter of her little pub in Athlone, Ireland. The pub is like a stage on which she plays her part night after night. Everyone knows the quick-witted and energetic Ann. But who is she really?
The 55-year-old pub owner has gone through difficult times and sometimes still stands on shaky ground. But she doesn’t like letting it show. Instead she much prefers putting her body and soul into looking after the well-being of her guests and the pub’s survival. For the regulars, «Flannery’s» is a safe haven in the rough seas of life, while Ann finds distraction and stability in her job. The pub gives her life meaning.
«Ann’s Pub» is the sensitive portrayal of a strong-willed woman and a comforting place fallen out of time.

Produced by Frank Matter, soap factory GmbH, Basel